
Toy Soldier Outfit DIY

Hey guys! It feels like it’s been a hundred years since I have logged onto the blog and done a good old fashioned DIY. Truthfully, I just wasn’t feeling inspired to because it’s soooooooo much work for the three people who read it! But I want to be better and so I am putting a couple of Christmas DIY’s up today!

This Toy Soldier bound for Jasmin has become my favorite ever and it was so easy!

Here’s what you’ll need

Red sweater

Baseball cap

Felt: yellow and red and white

Gold squiggle ribbon

Gold buttons (optional, but they look so good!)

A feather (could use red, white, yellow)

Regular ribbon any color (I chose white)

Hot glue gun

Let’s get started!

First I took the sweater (just an old sweater) cut and glued all my embellishments straight onto the sweater. You could sew if you want to reuse your sweater.


Be sure to only add the embellishments to the front. If you go all the way around the neckline and arms, the material wont stretch anymore and you will struggle to wear the thing you just worked so hard on! I speak from experience! Ha ha🤣


For the hat, I took a baseball cap and covered the brim with red felt.

Then cut cardboard in the size I wanted the hat to be and hot glued it around the top of the hat.

Then cover that with the red felt and then add embellishments. I cut the ribbon to tie under the chin and hot glued each one to the side under the hat.

I added some boots and white tights for Jasmin. Then you are done!

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